A cloud-based jewelry software for the greatest transparency

PIRO Fusion provides a fully integrated ERP platform for
running a manufacturing shop in-house-and moreover, it is
entirely configurable to meet virtually any production setup and workflow.

An intuitive software for jewelers with transparent workspace

Job orders are displayed in a clean, visual manner that allows effortless understanding of the presented information and fast, intuitive interaction with the user. The Quick add form will simplify the way users can create new Sales orders, Job Orders, Price quotes or even add new item types.

  • See the jobs visually (thumbnail mode) or as a list (list mode) for easier management
  • Job orders are sorted automatically based on priority or due dates.
  • Restrict the view of jobs based on user permissions: your designers will only see jobs that need design work while your jewelers will see only the jobs that need stone setting, repair, or other jewelry work.
  • Move, search and assign jobs to users by scanning barcodes printed on the job envelopes or job documents.
  • Avoid lateness of completion of job orders by receiving timely alerts, visually highlighted in yellow (warning) and red (late).
  • Add as many images or notes as you want to any job order at any time during the processing of the job. You can even use any generic USB web camera to take the pictures – just plug in a camera a snap the pictures, right from PIRO Fusion! Or just drag & drop any file image onto the job order form.
  • Export data to Excel: sometimes it can be useful to have the PIRO data you’ve been working with stored in a simpler format. For this reason, we’ve made it possible to export grid data, exactly as you see it in PIRO Fusion after using any of the custom filters, directly into an Excel format using the Export data to Excel feature. This makes it possible for you to share PIRO Fusion information with others who may not be familiar with PIRO Fusion. Excel sheets can be easily converted to other formats such as .csv if necessary.
  • Rich filters: PIRO Fusion modules include filters which are tailored specifically for sifting through the information from their corresponding modules. This allows users to very accurately filter the data based on complex criteria, ensuring that the desired information is always at hand.
  • User manual: PIRO Fusion includes a detailed online user manual related to all its individual modules and forms, providing users with additional in-depth descriptions of their functionalities. Certain forms in Fusion are completed with Quick Help info buttons also so users can read about the functionalities without navigating to the Help Center.

How to get started?

Explore PIRO Fusion and see for yourself how it can benefit your business.
Just schedule a consultation and walkthrough!

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